Integrating Computer Technology into the Curriculum at the Grade 4 and 5 Levels
ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE for Intermediate level B.C. teachers (including computer teachers) only please.

** ONLINE PARTICIPANTS are reminded to complete the Ethics Form #1 (Informed Consent).

** ONLINE PARTICIPANTS are reminded to provide only that information which the school would not consider confidential and to omit any answers which they feel would need permission of the school.
This questionnaire is not intended to be invasive.

Part E
E. Online version only - school demographic information

Note: In the target study area, School Principals were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their school demographics. The results presented here represent the information from 100% of the 49 schools in the (confidential) target study area.




58. Please indicate your school district. CONFIDENTIAL
(note: This information is needed to group the data. Your school district name will be then deleted.)

59. Please indicate your school. CONFIDENTIAL
(note: This information is needed to authenticate your questionnaire. Your school name will be deleted immediately after verification.)



60. How many students are currently enrolled in your school?

61. How many teachers at your school are at the grade 4 level (including 3/4) ,  
grade 4/5 split ,  grade 5 level (including 5/6)

62. How would you characterize your school according to socio-economic standing?
very poor  poor  middle class   relatively affluent  very affluent

63. Does your school have:
no extra help
a full-time computer teacher
a part-time computer teacher
a teacher who assists with computers
other (please specify)

64. Does your school have a computer lab? No Yes
If yes, how many computers

65. How would you generalize the average age of your schools' teacher/student (ie. not office) computers?

mainly outdated models (limited capabilities for today's modern software)
fairly even combination of outdated models and older models
mainly older models with a few newer models and some outdated models
fairly even combination of older models and newer models
mainly newer models (equipped with CD-ROM etc.)

66. About how many of the teacher/student computers (ie. not office) are equipped with CD-ROM?

67. How long has your school been connected to the Internet? months years

68. About how many of the teacher/student computers are connected to the Internet?

69. How would you generalize your overall staff commitment to integrating technology?

lesser priority than most school goals
equal priority than most school goals
equal priority with most school goals but not currently the foremost goal
greater priority than most goals

70. Are there any comments regarding the integration of computer technology into the curriculum which have not been addressed to your satisfaction in this questionnaire? Please let me know here!

71. Where did you learn about this online questionnaire? n/a


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