Simon Fraser University
Ethical Approval Forms
Please note that the following forms have been obtained from the Simon Fraser University Ethics Committee and that use of these forms is mandatory for all research studies.

Form #2: Informed Consent by Subjects to Participate *please complete and send in*
Form #5: Information Sheet for Subjects
Form #4: Subject Feedback Form - Optional

University Research Ethics Review Committee

The University and those conducting this project subscribe to the ethical conduct of research and to the protection at all times of the interests, comfort, and safety of subjects. This form and the information it contains are given to you for your own protection and full understanding of the procedures. Your signature on this form will signify that you have received a document (please see Form #5 below) which describes the procedures and benefits of this research project, that you have received an adequate opportunity to consider the information in the document, and that you voluntarily agree to participate in the project.

Any information that is obtained during this study will be kept confidential to the full extent permitted by law. No information will be divulged, unless required by a court or other legal body. Knowledge of your identity is not required. You will not be required to write your name or any other identifying information on the research materials. Materials will be held in a secure location and will be destroyed after the completion of the study.

Having been asked by NORA BOEKHOUT of the Faculty of Education of Simon Fraser University to participate in a research project experiment, I have read the procedures specified in the document.

I understand the procedures to be used in this study and the personal risks in taking part.

I understand that I may withdraw my participation in this study at any time, even if I sign this consent.

I also understand that I may register any concern I might have about the study with the researcher named above or with Dr. Robin Barrow, Dean of Education of Simon Fraser University (Email: Faculty phone: 604-291-3148).

I may obtain copies of the results of this study, upon its completion, by contacting:
Nora Boekhout Email: Phone: 604-941-1126

I have been informed that the research material will be held confidential by the Principal Investigator.

I understand that my supervisor or employer may require me to obtain his or her permission prior to my participation in a study such as this.

I agree to participate by: answering questions and offering opinions regarding the issue of the integration of computer Technology into the Grade 4/5 curriculum, either in writing, by email, or by answering in person, as to be determined by myself and the researcher, Nora Boekhout,
during the time period February 2000 to June 2000,
at my school of employment or an alternate place as determined by myself and the researcher, Nora Boekhout.


By sending in this email form I am verifying that I have read SFU Ethics Forms #2 and #5 as presented on the Technology in Curriculum website, on the date below.
Please check here.

NAME (please type or print legibly):


SIGNATURE (please indicate your email address instead):
WITNESS (please indicate a witness to verify this email):


Please note that an optional Subject Feedback Form is available online (see above).

Please click "Submit" after reading Form #5 below.

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University Research Ethics Review Committee

This form describes the proposed tests involving physical, psychological, or invasive testing, a description of the procedures to be followed, and a statement of the risks to the subjects and benefits of the research.

Title of Project:
The Integration of Computer Technology into the Curriculum at the Grade 4 and 5 Levels

Over the last two decades, teachers in the B.C. school system have been understandably perplexed about the role that computers should play in a student's daily education. Current literature recommends a move from an isolated study of computer science to an integration of computer technology into the standard curriculum. If this "invisible" integration is to be facilitated, we need to first determine exactly where and how computer technology is currently being used. Furthermore, this documentation needs to come from within our own British Columbia educational system.

This research study addresses the question "How are teachers using computer technology to implement the major curriculum areas at the Grades 4 & 5 Levels?" Several issues are involved: (a) which curriculum areas are being most consistently addressed via computer technology? (b) which computer technologies are being most consistently used across different curriculum areas? (c) are there particular groups of teachers who are using computer technology more than others? (d) which kinds of conditions (facilities, time, training/support, networking) are correlated with evidence of successful integration of computer technology?

Participating in this study requires the answering a series of questions relevant to your particular use of computer technology in implementing the Grade 4 and/or 5 curriculum. Most of the questions require only a short yes/no or single word answer. Some questions give you the chance to provide a more detailed explanation of your experience and/or opinions. Five curriculum areas have been chosen: Language Arts, Math, Personal Planning, Science, Social Studies. The area of Information Technology will also be addressed. Relevant demographic information, such as scheduling of computer lab time, will also be collected.

The information you provide will be held in strict confidence. Coded numbers, available only to the researcher, will be used instead of any references to you or your school. After all questionnaires and interviews are completed, even these coded references will be destroyed. The data itself will be used as part of a masters thesis publication. In the final publication no personal references, and not even the school district name, will be divulged.

The researcher will be readily available, in person, by phone, or by email, if you have any further questions regarding the format or purpose of this study.

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