Classroom Animals and Pets
Research - References and Links


Thank you to:
Jolie Goodwin (CA&P #22, USA)
Sharon Affeld (CA&P #28, Canada)

Note: The contributing member's CA&P number has been noted after each reference.

Ainsworth, M., Blehar, M., Waters, E., Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment: a psychological study of the strange situation. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (CA&P #22)

A.P.E. News (1995).Animals in the classroom. API: A.P.E. News, 9 (2), 1-2. (CA&P #22)

Barker, S. B. & Dawson, K. S. (1998), The effects of animal-assisted therapy on anxiety ratings of hospitalized psychiatric patients. Psychiatric Services Vol. 49 No. 6. (CA&P #28)

Bowlby, J. (1958). The nature of the child's tie to his mother. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 39, 350-373. (CA&P #22)

Dacey, J.S. & Fiori, L.B. (2000), Your anxious child: How parents and teachers can relieve anxiety in children Jossey-Bass Publishers. (CA&P #28)

Day, F. (1997), A review of the literature on the effects of pets and pet therapy on all age groups. California: Polytechnic State University. (CA&P #28)

Delta Society (1999) Animals and children Published by Delta Society USA. (CA&P #28)

Delta Society (2000), Celebrating a life of compassion: Leo K. Bustad, DVM, PhD. A Tribute to the Man and His Work. Renton: Delta Society (On-line) .(CA&P #28)

Delta Society (2000) Animals helping people, people helping animals (On-line) . (CA&P #28)

Dewey, John (1938), Experience and education New York: Macmillan. (CA&P #28)

Hoelscher, K., & Garfat, T. (1993) Talking to the animal Journal of Child and Youth care, 8 (3), 87 - 92. (CA&P #28)

Hoelscher, K., & Garfat, T. (1993) Talking to the animal Journal of Child and Youth care, 8 (3), 87 - 92. (CA&P #28)

Huddart, S. (1995). Humane education and the biophilia factor - new perspectives on animals in classrooms. BC SPCA Education Division, pp.1-3. (CA&P #22)

Huddart, S. (1998) Notes on animals in the classroom (On-line) . (CA&P #28)

Human Animal Bond Websites (2000) Pet Care Forum (On-line)
Veterinary Information Network, Inc. . (CA&P #28)

Jarolmen, J. (1998), A Comparison of the grief reaction of children and adults: focusing on pet loss and bereavement Baywood Publishing C. Inc. Omega, Vol. 37 (2) 133- 150. (CA&P #28)

Kale, M. (1992), Teens at risk: Working with animals to create a new self-image. Interactions Vol. 10, No. 4 . (CA&P #28)

Keating, J. (2000), Friends indeed Canadian Living June 2000, pp. 145-148. (CA&P #28)

Kellert, S., & Wilson, E. (Eds.). (1993). The Biophilia Hypothesis. Washington, DC: Shearwater Books. (CA&P #22 and #28)

Kidd, A., Kidd, R. (1995). Children's drawings and attachment to pets. Psychological Reports, 77, 235-241. (CA&P #22)

Levinson, B. M. (1969), Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher. (CA&P #28)

The Mining Company Guide to Elementary School Educators (1997). Elementary school educators - critters in the classroom. (CA&P #22)

Naherniak, C.(1995). Classroom animals. BC SPCA Education Division - Profound Encounters, pp.1-3.

Naherniak, C. (2000), Classroom animals: More than responsible pet care BC SPCA Education Division (On-line) .(CA&P #28)

Owens, R & Williams, N. (1995), A New Breed of Teacher's Pet Teaching K-8 October 1995. (CA&P #28)

Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta (1997) Paws in the classroom (Online) . (CA&P #28)

Robin, M., ten Bensel, R. (1985). Pets and the socialization of children. Marriage and Family Review, 8, 63-78. (CA&P #22)

Sable, P. (1995). Pets, attachment, and well-being across the life cycle. Social Work, 40, 334-341. (CA&P #22)

Shepard, P. (1982). Nature and Madness. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. (CA&P #22)

Triebenbacher, S. (1998). Pets as transitional objects: Their role in children's emotional development.Psychological Reports, 82, 191-200. (CA&P #22)

Valiquette, J. (undated), Animals as an agent for change in private practice psychotherapy Proposed Thesis Topic (On-line) (CA&P #28)


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