"Wow! We have PETS in our classroom!" ... Animals and pets can be an exciting and educational part of the classroom! "Yeah, we had a snake but it died." ... Yipes! They can also be unhappy dust collectors at the back of the classroom too!

Welcome to Nora's

Classroom Animals and Pets Home Page

This site is here to give you some positive input and helpful ideas about animals in the classroom.

Animals are all around us. They are a natural attraction. They are a natural resource. By bringing the animal world into our classrooms, and by bringing our classroom out into the local environment, teachers help play a part in making sure that the animal world is appreciated and preserved rather than feared and destroyed.

This site is also here to give you a chance to share your classroom experiences with the others "out there". Success stories, problems, on-going programs, and questions are all welcome. I'm hoping to hear from you!

Getting around...
the main T.O.C.

Click on "Getting around in this Web site" to go to the main T.O.C. (Table of Contents),
or if you visit a lot...
just click anywhere on the introductory picture right at the start!

This page updated November 2001.